Government Contacts
This page provides contact information and brief descriptions for many of the officers, governing bodies, and committees making up the government of United States Grand Lodge, Ordo Templi Orientis. Linked names lead to relevant administrative websites.
Liesl Cluff (F)David Melton (M)
206-306-6487 (M)
The U.S. Grand Lodge Ombuds office serves as an official liaison between the general membership of O.T.O. within the United States and the various governing and administrative bodies of U.S. Grand Lodge.
This office is not affiliated with any governing or administrative body. Ombuds are appointed to help members navigate our system and resolve problems and grievances by guiding or facilitating communication between members, officers, and governing and administrative bodies.
There are two officers in this office, one male and one female. Any member is welcome to contact either or both of these officers as they see fit. Email sent to will be forwarded to both officers.
Grand Master General
Fr. SabaziusThe Grand Master General is the leader of O.T.O. in the United States. His website, The Invisible Basilica of Sabazius, offers numerous essays, notes, rituals, and other material useful to students of O.T.O. and E.G.C.
The Executive Council
The Executive Council (or simply, The Executive) is the Board of Directors of Ordo Templi Orientis U.S.A. and serves as the principal executive and administrative authority of U.S. Grand Lodge. It is responsible for the overall governance of Grand Lodge, including policy development and implementation, appointment of subordinate officers and committees, execution of corporate affairs, and enforcement of O.T.O. regulations in general. Correspondence for the Executive should be addressed to the Grand Secretary General.
Grand Secretary General
Fr. HunahpuOrdo Templi Orientis U.S.A. PO Box 2313 Maple Grove, MN 55311
The Grand Secretary General handles records, communication, and coordination between members and bodies of U.S. Grand Lodge.
Ordo Templi Orientis U.S.A. 4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd. #444 Portland, OR 97214-5246
The Grand Treasurer General collects dues payments, maintains member status information, and deals with all financial aspects of running U.S. Grand Lodge. Inquiries by current members of O.T.O. about their own status may be directed to this office.
Grand Tribunal
Frater Omnia Mors Aequat, SecretaryFrater Omnia Mors AequatPOB 140025Lakewood, CO 80214-9998
The Grand Tribunal is the principal judicial body of O.T.O. It is responsible for composing disputes between members, as well as enforcement of O.T.O. regulations pertaining to member interactions. O.T.O. members involved in serious disputes which cannot be resolved by informal means may request Grand Tribunal investigation and arbitration. Note that members are forbidden from initiating civil legal proceedings against one another without prior permission from the Grand Tribunal.
Secretary U.S. Electoral College O.T.O. P.O. Box 33042Northglenn, CO 80233
The Electoral College is responsible for issuing local body charters, appointing body masters, and approving all invitations to the Vth Degree.
Initiation Secretary
Fr. AAAOTO Initiation SecretaryPO Box 6246Minneapolis, MN 55406
The Initiation Secretary handles reports of initiations, and requests for information about members' initiate status. Only initiators and local body masters should typically contact this office. Initiation reports should be submitted by postal mail, not email.
The Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica (E.G.C.) Secretary keeps records of E.G.C. baptisms, confirmations, and ordinations, and provides assistance regarding various matters pertaining to E.G.C. activities.
Internet Secretary
Assistant Internet Secretary
The Internet Secretary coordinates the many U.S.G.L. websites and handles other Internet-related issues affecting U.S. Grand Lodge. Requests for U.S. local bodies to be listed on the public website should be sent to General tech-support requests should be sent to Other site-related requests and queries can be sent directly to the Internet Secretary. Also, general email to Grand Lodge may be directed through this address; it will be forwarded to the appropriate office.
The Quartermaster supplies equipment and paperwork required for O.T.O. initiations. Only chartered initiators and local body masters may obtain these supplies.
The Public Information Officer (PIO) coordinates inquiries and requests from representatives of the media and other institutions who are interested in obtaining more information about O.T.O. The PIO also fields information requests from the membership and the general public, and is available to assist local body officers with handling information requests.
Prison Ministry
Frater PontifexPrison Ministry P.O.Box 99Lithonia, GA 30058
The Prison Ministry program assists prison inmates who wish to study or practice Thelema by providing educational materials and guidance to inmates, their families, and prison officials. Its underlying purpose is to represent Thelema to prison officials and others as a valid and positive form of religious expression, and also to help prevent misconceptions about Thelema from propagating among prisoners and prison officials.
The Education Committee provides standards, guidelines, and materials for local body classes. Local bodies are encouraged to contribute materials to the committee, which may then be incorporated into a pool of shared educational resources available to all local bodies. Similarly, local bodies offering classes on a given topic are encouraged to consult with the committee to obtain both guidance and materials.
Frater S.V.A.T.I.Ordo Templi Orientis U.S.A.PO Box 102Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043
The Librarian is responsible for management and conservation of the physical library of U.S. Grand Lodge.
The Document Control Officer provides U.S.G.L. and local body officers with up-to-date versions of the the documents required for various types of reporting, requests, and information. See the document versions list for information about current versions of important documents.
Soror Helenac/o Ordo Templi Orientis U.S.A. P.O. Box 32 Riverside, CA 92502
The Parliamentarian is the primary resource for questions regarding the operational rules of and interactions between administrative, governing and initiate bodies. The Parliamentarian assists U.S. Grand Lodge officers, governing bodies, committees, and local bodies with procedural issues related to governance.
The Strategic Planning Secretary acts as a consultant and facilitator to the governing bodies and leaders of U.S.G.L. in the formulation of strategic plans in their areas of focus, ensuring that these plans are in alignment with U.S.G.L. stated goals and priorities, and tracking incremental project progress toward the fulfillment of these goals.
The Historian gathers and archives information on local bodies, committees and initiatives within U.S.G.L. If you have unarchived documents or ephemera pertinent to the formation or development of U.S.G.L., please contact the Historian .
The Local Body Publication Secretary collects local body publications for archival purposes. Local bodies should send a copy (electronic preferred) of each issue of the local body's publication (newsletter) to the Local Body Publication Secretary.
The primary function of the Volunteer Coordinator is twofold: to find suitable jobs for volunteers to perform, and to find suitable volunteers to perform jobs that need to be performed.
The Security Officer can assist local body officers and program coordinators with interacting with law enforcement agencies, filing complaints, etc.