Indoor Public Space Events Policy
Indoor Public Space Events Policy
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Effective March 28, 2022 this policy has been updated to reflect changes in C.D.C. recommendations.
As more opportunities to meet in person are available, we are beginning to receive requests for local bodies to host events such as meet-and-greets at locations like bookstores and coffee shops.
The risk for such events, taking place in environments that we do not have direct control over, is obviously higher than for events taking place in our own spaces or a per-diem rental that is ours for the duration of the event.
For local bodies in counties with “GREEN?LOW RISK” status, the following applies:
Events must be in compliance with state and local restrictions
Events must be in compliance with venue rules regarding behavior on the premises
Strongly encourage choosing venues that are well ventilated and spacious (high ceilings, open doors/windows in warm weather, lots of space between sitting areas)
For local bodies in counties of YELLOW/MEDIUM risk status, same as “green” plus the following:
Masks use--local master (or Chapter leaders for Chapter events) may select one of the following options:
F.V.P. are not required to wear a mask. All others are required to wear a mask.
All persons are required to wear a mask.
Socially distanced (6+’ between Stay-At-Home units*), at the discretion of the local master
F.V.P. are not required to maintain distance, all others are required to maintain distance.
All persons are required to social distance.
For local bodies in counties of RED/HIGH RISK stats:
No events in indoor public spaces
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As with all policies pertaining to local body activities, the local master is responsible for understanding and effectively enforcing this policy.