Calendar Team
Entering Calendar Events
If you part of the team responsible for entering or modifying events on the USGL calendar, please follow these conventions.
The event title should consist of the major city nearest the event followed by the two-letter capitalized state abbreviation, with no comma in between; in turn followed by a colon, and the briefest reasonable form of the event title. For example: "Los Angeles CA: Spring Electoral College meeting" (even though the meeting is actually in a suburb of Los Angeles). Use mixed case, with capitals reserved for the initial letter and for proper nouns, so e.g. "meeting" rather than "Meeting" in the example. Omit final punctuation.
All events should be marked as all-day events, covering the appropriate span of dates. This avoids timezone confusion.
Include only the main dates for the event. For example, if an all-weekend event also has an informal "meet and greet" session on Friday evening, omit Friday's date. People assessing their ability to attend an event need to know at a glance when they will have to be there.
Leave the location field blank. It is expected that potential attendees will visit the event webpage, and possibly contact the event organizer, to get this information.
The event description should ideally consist of the word "Details" ("D" capitalized) linked to a page specific to the event which meets the requirements discussed above. If absolutely necessary, a very brief description may be provided. Punctuate the text normally if more than than the word "Details" is used. If no link is yet available, use the plain text "Details TBD".
Make sure that you select the "USGL OTO Events" calendar for the event, rather than your personal calendar.
If you are unsure how to apply these rules to a particular event or want to bend or break them for some reason, please contact the Internet Technology Committee ( first to discuss options.
If you are interested in volunteering to help with this calendar or for one of a variety of other operational tasks or teams, contact for more information.