News Items

U.S.G.L. occasionally publishes news items of interest to our membership or the general public. These appear on our public website, and are also published as an RSS feed, via several internal U.S.G.L. Google groups, and in other ways.

News items must be suitable for the general public, and thus may not contain secret or sensitive information. Our audience is the membership at large and interested non-members; use more specific channels within U.S.G.L. to reach more limited audiences. News items should say something interesting, useful, inspiring, or otherwise important about U.S.G.L.

News items are kept very brief, generally a single short paragraph. The goal is to provide a short, engaging summary, with a link to a webpage that provides more detailed information. See existing news items to get a sense of our editorial voice. Entries may be edited for length or style.

Only the most momentous scheduled events (e.g. NOTOCON) warrant news items. For most events, an entry on either the U.S.G.L. calendar or the aggregated local body public events calendar is the right approach.

You can submit a proposed news item using this form. You will need to be logged into an account to access the form. If you do not have an account, email relevant information to instead. Submission does not guarantee publication. If we choose not to publish your proposed news item, we will provide an explanation of why it was rejected.

Contact if you have questions or problems.